Putney Theatre Company LogoGroup 64 Logo

Putney Arts Theatre Logo

Support US

SUPPORT The Brilliant Work Putney Arts Theatre Does providing access to the arts for the Local Community

Putney Arts Theatre and its resident companies are proud to provide a welcoming and inclusive community theatre.  We already…

  • Support families with our pay-what-you-can fees scheme for Group 64 Theatre for Young People.
  • Match first time theatregoers with a free seat and an anxiety-busting ‘theatre buddy’.
  • Donate free tickets to the food bank for the Christmas show each year.

Our purpose is to grow our audiences, sustain our building, and advance our community. 

So we want expand what we do, by offering more

  •  - pay-what-you-can places for young people.
  •  - free tickets for first-timers and those less able to pay.
  •  - space for more local creatives and groups.

£16 a month - Friend of PUTNEY ARts THEATRE

As a Friend of Putney Arts Theatre for just £10 a month, not only do you get a warm fuzzy feeling inside, but you also get membership discounted tickets to all Putney Theatre Company and Group 64 productions, a free drink and programme at two productions a year, and your name in the Foyer and on the Website. 

Find out more:

£35 a month - YouNG PEoples THEATRE Champion

For £35 a month, you can sponsor a child to attend Group 64 classes for a whole year! We offer scholarship places to elligible students, but want to offer more, your support allows us to do this. Not only that but you also get all the benefits of being a Fellow of PAT!

Find out more:

£64 a month - PUTNEY ARTS Theatre Sponsor

What can we say? You're a total superstar! Not only do you get a super dooper feeling inside, but you also get all the benefits of being a Front Row Patron, and you will get time to work with our theatre management and trustees to craft how your support will help to change the space, our classes and our productions

Find out more:


Audience at Putney Arts Theatre




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We will never share your details with any other companies or groups, will email only when we have events coming up, and you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of all our emails.

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Our Supporters

We are forever grateful to the following for their support of the Putney Arts Theatre

The estate of Kathleen Clelland

The estate of Juanita Patrick

The estate of Anna Greenburgh

The estate of Paul Haken

The estate of Nicholas Hawker

The estate of Antony Bridges

The Maurice Copus (Group 81) Bursary

The ADAPT Trust

Allan Fuller Estate Agents

The Baring Foundation

The Bay Tree Charitable Trust

Denis Clark

The Big Give

Win and Fred Bridges

Chelsea Financial Services PLC

The Ernest Cook Trust

The Co-op Community Fund

The Foundation for Sport and the Arts

Da Franco Restaurant

Debonair Group

Ma Goa Restaurant

Nick Hern Books

The Lodge Hotel, Putney

MAJ Broadcast Ltd

Maple Dentist

The Miles Trust for Putney and Roehampton

The National Lottery through the Arts Council of England

White Light Ltd

Piers Wilson

The Woolf Charitable Trust

World First Foreign Exchange

The Jack Petchey Foundation

Proficiency Ltd

Putneyprinting.com (1st Creative)

The Putney Society

Real Travel

The Reed Foundation

Roca Ltd

Sainsbury’s Ltd



Strada Restaurants

The Truemark Trust

Waitrose plc

Sir Walter St John’s Educational Charity

Wandsworth Borough Council

Members of PTC and PAT, Group 64 parents, and many individuals from the Putney Community

Photography on this website is provided by numerous members over the years. In particular we would like to thank: Ben Copping, Martin Jessop, Rich Evans and Steve Lippett who have contributed so much to capturing our productions in such amazing quality.

This website  was built using Wild Apricot by Digitommi Ltd.


Tel: 020 8788 6943

Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney, SW15 6AW

Charity No. 1157481

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