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Event Details

Hansel & Gretel

  • 11/07/2019
  • 19:00
  • 13/07/2019
  • 19:00
  • Putney Arts Theatre

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"Time’s are tough for the family in the wood, they’d eat like kings if only they could"

Hansel and Gretel by Carl Grose

Thursday 11th- Saturday 13th July 

7pm (Saturday 13th July at 2pm), Main Stage 

Time’s are tough for the family in the wood, they’d eat like kings if only they could… Join Group 64’s Theatre for Young People’s 8 – 13 year olds as they tell the story of Hansel and Gretel. Famine stalks the land and something wicked is close at hand, follow Hansel and Gretel as they are put to the test, armed only with a loaf of bread. Will they eat to survive or leave a trail home instead? Join us for this summer adventure suitable for all the family at Putney Arts Theatre.

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You can purchase tickets securely online using the calendar below.  Just click on the date you wish to purchase. 

Photography on this website is provided by numerous members over the years. In particular we would like to thank: Ben Copping, Martin Jessop, Rich Evans and Steve Lippett who have contributed so much to capturing our productions in such amazing quality.

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Tel: 020 8788 6943

Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney, SW15 6AW

Charity No. 1157481

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